1. LURE (VERB): (प्रलोभित करना): tempt
Synonyms: entice, attract
Antonyms: deter
Example Sentence:
The child was lured into a car but managed to escape.
2. GRIEVOUS (ADJECTIVE): (संगीन): serious
Synonyms: severe, grave
Antonyms: slight
Example Sentence:
His death was a grievous blow to the entire family.
3. DETRIMENT (VERB): (हानि पहुँचाना): harm
Synonyms: damage, injury
Antonyms: benefit
Example Sentence:
All the tests were a detriment to good education.
4. VILIFICATION (NOUN): (तिरस्कार): condemnation
Synonyms: criticism, censure
Antonyms: praise
Example Sentence:
The politicians seldom face widespread vilification.
5. DISSIPATE (VERB): (अपव्यय करना): squander
Synonyms: misspend, waste
Antonyms: save
Example Sentence:
He inherited, but then dissipated, his father’s fortune.
6. BETRAY (VERB): (प्रकट करना): reveal
Synonyms: disclose, divulge
Antonyms: conceal
Example Sentence:
Many of those employed by diplomats betrayed secrets.
7 DISMAL (ADJECTIVE): (निराशाजनक): gloomy
Synonyms: glum, mournful
Antonyms: gloomy
Example Sentence:
His dismal mood was not dispelled by finding the house empty.
8. SLUMP (NOUN): (मंदी): plunge
Synonyms: drop, collapse
Antonyms: rise
Example Sentence:
The company saw a slump in profits.
9. EXPEDITE (VERB): (जल्दी करना): speed up
Synonyms: accelerate, hurry
Antonyms: delay
Example Sentence:
She promised to expedite economic reforms.
10. DOOM (VERB): (नियत होना): destine
Synonyms: fate, predestine
Antonyms: happy
Example Sentence:
All of her plans were doomed to failure